Friday, November 14, 2008

Down and down we go...

So, the market is continuing it's relentless dive into the abyss, even after a slight snap back earlier this week. Markets are closing this week at new delicious lows.

In other news, the old media is finally acknowledging that, yes, the entire world is going down with the captain of the ship.

There's a concerning trend in articles like those linked above, and most others like it.

"Stocks slump as investors abandon recovery attempt..."
"Worst retail sales in history..."
"Consumers showed fresh signs of distress..."

It's almost like they're saying that it's all our fault...

There's a reason no-one is investing: it's not worth it. There's a reason consumers aren't buying as much stuff as they used too: it's all over priced, and people can't afford it. I'd tell you whose fault I think it is, but that would give the game away...

This weekend also sees the G20 summit in Washington, where world leaders are going to gather to supposedly talk about the "new economic world order." I have a prediction about the G20 summit: all of these world leaders are going to get together and talk about how much they haven't done, and how much more they could do. They're going to decide to increase spending (like they need a summit to decide these things. *cough $700b cough*). They're going to decide to do the very things that got us into the situation where in now. You can't wake a dead horse by beating it. That's my prediction.

These people control the world, by the way.

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